Private Entertainment Spaces
Enrich your business services and offer your guests private,
unique and memorable experiences
Entertainment and hospitality industries have become highly competitive.
Today, more than ever, guests are looking for forward thinking venues and spaces that include
opportunities for positive and unique experiences.
Private spaces are highly valued in these industries and the ACOU team can provide ideas, concepts and designs for private space
proposals that could enhance your services, boost your business and enable you to make the difference in your field.
Private Luxury Karaoke Rooms
in Hotels, Bars & Restaurants
Private VIP Guest Rooms
in Clubs
Private Dining Areas
in Hotels & Restaurants

Private Luxury Karaoke Rooms
Karaoke Rooms are sound insulated rooms. Equipped with audio and sound Karaoke systems, they will offer your guests a festive and exceptionally entertaining singing and dancing experience.
If you already have an established entertainment space (i.e. a hotel, a bar, a restaurant, a night club, etc.) you could easily deliver the WOW to your guests with a powerful transformation that would enable you to offer dazzling and extravagant private services and events.
Learn how you can integrate Karaoke Rooms into an existing business scheme

Private VIP Guest Rooms in Clubs
Private Guest Rooms in clubs are sound insulated rooms to offer your VIP guests a relaxing environment, privacy and protection from the clubs excessive music and crowds.
The VIP guest rooms are ideal for smaller groups that want to rent their own separate space to celebrate an event but still want to get the club atmosphere.
You can enhance your VIP guest room services by adding special Audio & Sound Systems so that guests can put on their own music.

Private Dining Areas
Private events are a great way for restaurants to add additional revenue while creating memorable experiences for a special celebration, a family dinner out, a small group of friends, a corporate event or simply a VIP diner.
The space and the sound are always key factors for a well functioning private event.
Many times restaurants due to lack of space are limited from offering separate rooms for private events. However even in open plan areas you can still create the feeling of a private space and have a less noisy environment for your guests through acoustic paneling.
ACOU team will advise you on how to sound insulate effectively a room or how to use special acoustic panels in open plan areas to separate spaces..