Noise / Vibration
Measurements & Control
Noise & Vibration
Each company should provide a safe and healthy environment for their employees.
Noise & vibration are 2 common factors contributing to unhealthy work environments for employees, customers, visitors, students, audiences or simply users of a space.
In recent years, more laws and regulations have been implemented which require spaces to manage the risk of exposure to noise & vibration.
Acou is able to conduct proper measurements and detailed noise assessments to identify noise sources and high-risk areas in order to help you maintain appropriate noise levels for both health and legal reasons.
Read more about the equipment and software we use to assess Noise & Vibration.

Eliminating exposure to Noise & Vibration
Noise & Vibration Control Measures
Vibration control measures make use elastic materials to dampen & reduce noise. Elastic materials resist movement and can revert back to their original shape if disturbed.
The type of elastic material to be used will depend on:
The frequency of the vibrations
The size and weight of equipment or machines (HVAC, MEP, etc)
The environmental conditions of the site/building such as weather conditions, and temperature.
If you work with hazardous substances, the material should be fire and chemical resistant.
Read more about the Elastic Materials we use
Machines and mechanical equipment are the most common noise & vibration sources
Acoustic Enclosures/Attenuators
Special enclosures, usually made of metal or other material constructions, which are fitted around all or part of the machine to reduce noise.
Acoustic Panels
Special panels that are placed on surfaces to absorb noise and vibrations
Noise Barriers/Traps
Special metal constructions that block the path of the noise or operate as sound silencers